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Version: 4.6

Integration with ROS2

BehaviorTree.CPP is frequently used in robotics and in the ROS ecosystem.

We provide a ready-to-use set of wrappers, which can be used to quickly implement TreeNodes that interact with ROS2: BehaviorTree.ROS2

In terms of system architecture, we should remember that:

  • You should have a centralized "Coordinator" ROS node that is responsible for the execution of the behavior. This will be further called "Task Planner" and it will be implemented with BT.CPP

  • All other elements of the system should be "service-oriented" components, and should delegate any business logic and decision-making to the Task Planner.


Some words are the same, but have different meanings in the context of ROS or BT.CPP.

In particular, the words "Action" and "Node":

  • TreeNode vs rclcpp::Node
  • BT::Action vs rclcpp_action.

You can use these directly or use them as templates/blueprints to create your own.

Asynchronous BT::Action using rclcpp_action

The recommended way to interact with ROS is through the rclcpp_action.

They are a perfect fit, because:

  • their API is asynchronous, i.e. the user should not worry about creating a separate thread.

  • they can be aborted, a functionality that is needed to implement TreeNode::halt() and build reactive behaviors.

Let's consider, for instance, the "Fibonacci" action client described in the official C++ tutorial:

// let's define these, for brevity
using Fibonacci = action_tutorials_interfaces::action::Fibonacci;
using GoalHandleFibonacci = rclcpp_action::ServerGoalHandle<Fibonacci>;

To create a BT Action that invokes this ROS Action:

#include <behaviortree_ros2/bt_action_node.hpp>

using namespace BT;

class FibonacciAction: public RosActionNode<Fibonacci>
FibonacciAction(const std::string& name,
const NodeConfig& conf,
const RosNodeParams& params)
: RosActionNode<Fibonacci>(name, conf, params)

// The specific ports of this Derived class
// should be merged with the ports of the base class,
// using RosActionNode::providedBasicPorts()
static PortsList providedPorts()
return providedBasicPorts({InputPort<unsigned>("order")});

// This is called when the TreeNode is ticked and it should
// send the request to the action server
bool setGoal(RosActionNode::Goal& goal) override
// get "order" from the Input port
getInput("order", goal.order);
// return true, if we were able to set the goal correctly.
return true;

// Callback executed when the reply is received.
// Based on the reply you may decide to return SUCCESS or FAILURE.
NodeStatus onResultReceived(const WrappedResult& wr) override
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Result received: ";
for (auto number : wr.result->sequence) {
ss << number << " ";
RCLCPP_INFO(node_->get_logger(), ss.str().c_str());
return NodeStatus::SUCCESS;

// Callback invoked when there was an error at the level
// of the communication between client and server.
// This will set the status of the TreeNode to either SUCCESS or FAILURE,
// based on the return value.
// If not overridden, it will return FAILURE by default.
virtual NodeStatus onFailure(ActionNodeErrorCode error) override
RCLCPP_ERROR(node_->get_logger(), "Error: %d", error);
return NodeStatus::FAILURE;

// we also support a callback for the feedback, as in
// the original tutorial.
// Usually, this callback should return RUNNING, but you
// might decide, based on the value of the feedback, to abort
// the action, and consider the TreeNode completed.
// In that case, return SUCCESS or FAILURE.
// The Cancel request will be send automatically to the server.
NodeStatus onFeedback(const std::shared_ptr<const Feedback> feedback)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Next number in sequence received: ";
for (auto number : feedback->partial_sequence) {
ss << number << " ";
RCLCPP_INFO(node_->get_logger(), ss.str().c_str());
return NodeStatus::RUNNING;

You may notice that the BT version of the Action client is simpler than the original one, since most of the boilerplate is inside the BT::RosActionNode wrapper.

When registering this node, we need to pass the rclcpp::Node and other parameters using the BT::RosNodeParams:

  // in main()
BehaviorTreeFactory factory;

auto node = std::make_shared<rclcpp::Node>("fibonacci_action_client");
// provide the ROS node and the name of the action service
RosNodeParams params;
params.nh = node;
params.default_port_value = "fibonacci";
factory.registerNodeType<FibonacciAction>("Fibonacci", params);

Asynchronous BT::Action using rclcpp::Client (services)

An analogous wrapper is available for ROS Service Clients. The asynchronous interface will be used.

The example below is based on the official tutorial.

#include <behaviortree_ros2/bt_service_node.hpp>

using AddTwoInts = example_interfaces::srv::AddTwoInts;
using namespace BT;

class AddTwoIntsNode: public RosServiceNode<AddTwoInts>

AddTwoIntsNode(const std::string& name,
const NodeConfig& conf,
const RosNodeParams& params)
: RosServiceNode<AddTwoInts>(name, conf, params)

// The specific ports of this Derived class
// should be merged with the ports of the base class,
// using RosServiceNode::providedBasicPorts()
static PortsList providedPorts()
return providedBasicPorts({

// This is called when the TreeNode is ticked and it should
// send the request to the service provider
bool setRequest(Request::SharedPtr& request) override
// use input ports to set A and B
getInput("A", request->a);
getInput("B", request->b);
// must return true if we are ready to send the request
return true;

// Callback invoked when the answer is received.
// It must return SUCCESS or FAILURE
NodeStatus onResponseReceived(const Response::SharedPtr& response) override
RCLCPP_INFO(node_->get_logger(), "Sum: %ld", response->sum);
return NodeStatus::SUCCESS;

// Callback invoked when there was an error at the level
// of the communication between client and server.
// This will set the status of the TreeNode to either SUCCESS or FAILURE,
// based on the return value.
// If not overridden, it will return FAILURE by default.
virtual NodeStatus onFailure(ServiceNodeErrorCode error) override
RCLCPP_ERROR(node_->get_logger(), "Error: %d", error);
return NodeStatus::FAILURE;