Integration with ROS2
BehaviorTree.CPP is frequently used in robotics and in the ROS ecosystem.
We provide a ready-to-use set of wrappers, which can be used to quickly implement TreeNodes that interact with ROS2: BehaviorTree.ROS2
In terms of system architecture, we should remember that:
You should have a centralized "Coordinator" ROS node that is responsible for the execution of the behavior. This will be further called "Task Planner" and it will be implemented with BT.CPP
All other elements of the system should be "service-oriented" components, and should delegate any business logic and decision-making to the Task Planner.
Some words are the same, but have different meanings in the context of ROS or BT.CPP.
In particular, the words "Action" and "Node":
You can use these directly or use them as templates/blueprints to create your own.
Asynchronous BT::Action using rclcpp_action
The recommended way to interact with ROS is through the rclcpp_action.
They are a perfect fit, because:
their API is asynchronous, i.e. the user should not worry about creating a separate thread.
they can be aborted, a functionality that is needed to implement
and build reactive behaviors.
Let's consider, for instance, the "Fibonacci" action client described in the official C++ tutorial:
// let's define these, for brevity
using Fibonacci = action_tutorials_interfaces::action::Fibonacci;
using GoalHandleFibonacci = rclcpp_action::ServerGoalHandle<Fibonacci>;
To create a BT Action that invokes this ROS Action:
#include <behaviortree_ros2/bt_action_node.hpp>
using namespace BT;
class FibonacciAction: public RosActionNode<Fibonacci>
FibonacciAction(const std::string& name,
const NodeConfig& conf,
const RosNodeParams& params)
: RosActionNode<Fibonacci>(name, conf, params)
// The specific ports of this Derived class
// should be merged with the ports of the base class,
// using RosActionNode::providedBasicPorts()
static PortsList providedPorts()
return providedBasicPorts({InputPort<unsigned>("order")});
// This is called when the TreeNode is ticked and it should
// send the request to the action server
bool setGoal(RosActionNode::Goal& goal) override
// get "order" from the Input port
getInput("order", goal.order);
// return true, if we were able to set the goal correctly.
return true;
// Callback executed when the reply is received.
// Based on the reply you may decide to return SUCCESS or FAILURE.
NodeStatus onResultReceived(const WrappedResult& wr) override
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Result received: ";
for (auto number : wr.result->sequence) {
ss << number << " ";
RCLCPP_INFO(node_->get_logger(), ss.str().c_str());
return NodeStatus::SUCCESS;
// Callback invoked when there was an error at the level
// of the communication between client and server.
// This will set the status of the TreeNode to either SUCCESS or FAILURE,
// based on the return value.
// If not overridden, it will return FAILURE by default.
virtual NodeStatus onFailure(ActionNodeErrorCode error) override
RCLCPP_ERROR(node_->get_logger(), "Error: %d", error);
return NodeStatus::FAILURE;
// we also support a callback for the feedback, as in
// the original tutorial.
// Usually, this callback should return RUNNING, but you
// might decide, based on the value of the feedback, to abort
// the action, and consider the TreeNode completed.
// In that case, return SUCCESS or FAILURE.
// The Cancel request will be send automatically to the server.
NodeStatus onFeedback(const std::shared_ptr<const Feedback> feedback)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Next number in sequence received: ";
for (auto number : feedback->partial_sequence) {
ss << number << " ";
RCLCPP_INFO(node_->get_logger(), ss.str().c_str());
return NodeStatus::RUNNING;
You may notice that the BT version of the Action client is
simpler than the original one, since most of the boilerplate
is inside the BT::RosActionNode
When registering this node, we need to pass the rclcpp::Node
and other parameters using the BT::RosNodeParams
// in main()
BehaviorTreeFactory factory;
auto node = std::make_shared<rclcpp::Node>("fibonacci_action_client");
// provide the ROS node and the name of the action service
RosNodeParams params;
params.nh = node;
params.default_port_value = "fibonacci";
factory.registerNodeType<FibonacciAction>("Fibonacci", params);
Asynchronous BT::Action using rclcpp::Client (services)
An analogous wrapper is available for ROS Service Clients. The asynchronous interface will be used.
The example below is based on the official tutorial.
#include <behaviortree_ros2/bt_service_node.hpp>
using AddTwoInts = example_interfaces::srv::AddTwoInts;
using namespace BT;
class AddTwoIntsNode: public RosServiceNode<AddTwoInts>
AddTwoIntsNode(const std::string& name,
const NodeConfig& conf,
const RosNodeParams& params)
: RosServiceNode<AddTwoInts>(name, conf, params)
// The specific ports of this Derived class
// should be merged with the ports of the base class,
// using RosServiceNode::providedBasicPorts()
static PortsList providedPorts()
return providedBasicPorts({
// This is called when the TreeNode is ticked and it should
// send the request to the service provider
bool setRequest(Request::SharedPtr& request) override
// use input ports to set A and B
getInput("A", request->a);
getInput("B", request->b);
// must return true if we are ready to send the request
return true;
// Callback invoked when the answer is received.
// It must return SUCCESS or FAILURE
NodeStatus onResponseReceived(const Response::SharedPtr& response) override
RCLCPP_INFO(node_->get_logger(), "Sum: %ld", response->sum);
return NodeStatus::SUCCESS;
// Callback invoked when there was an error at the level
// of the communication between client and server.
// This will set the status of the TreeNode to either SUCCESS or FAILURE,
// based on the return value.
// If not overridden, it will return FAILURE by default.
virtual NodeStatus onFailure(ServiceNodeErrorCode error) override
RCLCPP_ERROR(node_->get_logger(), "Error: %d", error);
return NodeStatus::FAILURE;